Goal Setting

goal settingHaving goals are the best way to get the results that you want. But most people do not set the right goals, which leads to most of the time not attaining your goals. New Year resolutions are a great example of this. People make goals in haste without actually sitting down and planning out what they want and how they are going to get there. Anyone can make goals. But can you make a plan to achieve your goals?

Here are a few ways that you can set your goals and accomplish them.

  1. Choose your direction – Really think about what you want. Is it to lose weight? Be more active? Eat Better? Become an athlete? Drop your 5k time? Become more flexible?  Notice I said find a direction, This isn’t your final goal – this is the direction that you are going to be headed. Think of a direction and write it down.
  2. Choose Your Goal – Now that you have a direction, choose your specific, attainable goal. If losing weight is your direction, how much? Make sure it is attainable. If you need to lose 70 lbs, setting your goal for 70 out of the gate may not be the best idea. Set it for 30, and then reset when you hit it. If you have to stare at that big number, you can get discouraged. If your direction is to be more active, set a goal to be active 5x a week. If is to drop your 5k time, set the time you want to run.  Make sure that for your goal, it is specific, and it is hard enoug that it will make you work, but make sure it is within reach. When you have your specific,reachable goal in mind, write it down.
  3. Now Get MORE Specific: Ok so now you have a goal. This is your long term goal. This is the end result that you want to see. Now set a short term goal. Again – specific and reachable. Set a goal that is going to help you reach your long term goal. For example, if your long term goal is to lose 30 pounds, set a short term goal to lose 1-2 a week for 15-30 weeks. If your goal is to be active 5x a week, set a goal to go to the gym 2x a week and walk around your block 3x a week. If your goal is to run a sub-18 min 5K – set a short term goal of 2x long runs a week, 2x speed works a week, and 1x hill works a week. Again, once you have your short term goals, write them down.
  4. Now Get EVEN MORE Specific: Now write your immediate goals. What things are  you going to do RIGHT NOW, day in and day out to help you reach your long and short term goals. If your goal is to lose weight, what things do you need to do day in and day out in order for your to lose that 1-2 pounds a week on your way t0 your 30 pound goal? If you want to be more active, what do you need to do day in and day out in order to hit the gym 2x a week and walk 3x times a week on your way to be active 5x a week? If you want to run a 5k, what things do you need to do day in and day out that will get you to hit your workouts everyday on your way to a 5k under 18 minutes? Again, get more specific and right them down.

What you should have at the end of this is a game plan on how you will accomplish your goals. Now go out and hit these goals! If you need more help or direction on any of these sections, feel free to email me at info@http://thefearlesshustle.com and I will help you set your goals in motion.

2 thoughts on “Goal Setting

  1. Pingback: Are You Doing All You Can? | The Fearless Hustle

  2. Pingback: How To Set New Years Resolutions | The Fearless Hustle

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