No One Ever Drowned In Sweat (eating my own dog food)

I Am BACK!!!

After a very long time off without update this site, I am pleased to announce I am back in the game! I really want to be one of those bloggers that says I didn’t write because I was out living the life, traveling, doing things that only high rollers do. But I am not a high roller. I am just like you. Life just happened.

I poured my heart and soul into this site for 2 straight years! I had big plans to turn this into a full on coaching business. I bought membership modules, took classes, registered business names. And for some reason, everything came to a screeching halt! I wish I had a good reason, but I don’t. I just stopped everything. Sure – I can use the excuse that I started a new job, took on more work, had other priorities, and all of that will be true. But the truth of the matter is, I had to start working harder, and I shut down.

No One Ever Drowned In Sweat

How many times have you done that in your life? How many times have you just said “NO” when you needed to work harder to get something accomplished? It happens to everyone. It is simply easier to do nothing than to actually roll up your sleeves, stay up later, work longer hours, just plain dedicate yourself to the process. And that is what I did. I had all these big plans, and saw how much work I would have to do to maintain it – and quit.

Work HarderPeople do that with their life all the time. The want the body – they want the health – they want the weight loss – they want the money – they want the relationship – they want the success – but they don’t want to work for it. It is too much work to maintain so people simply just don’t do it.

But then you realize, the only way to get what you want, and do what you want to do, you have to work. You have to dedicate yourself to your passion and go get it, because it isn’t going to come to you. And that is exactly what I am doing. I am re-dedicating myself to this blog. I am re-dedicating myself to many things in my life in the process. And this site is one of the main ones. But I am going to scale it down a bit. No business. No coaching (I always welcome email questions though!), No fluff. Just what I love doing – writing content that is relevant to your life that helps sparks a change in your life to get things moving. Things will be a little bit different too. I am going to change the name of this blog (changed NOW to fitbodymindlife), adjust the look and feel to make it easier for you to read my content and make a few other minor changes.

So here is to a successful 2013 and making a commitment to work that much harder to get what you want out of life.
