F*ck Your Excuses

F*ck your excuses.

Like – for real you. What are you hiding behind? Why can’t you do that / be that / see that / live that life?

If someone out there is living that life that you see – you can.



You are the only person standing in your way. 100%.

When you ask the question why you can’t, everything out of your mouth is an excuse. And a BS one at that.

I am too young. I am too old. i am too strong. I am too weak. I am too white. I am not white enough. I am male. I am female. I am tall. I am short. I am fit. I am out of weight. I am republican. I am democrat. I am to this. I am too that.

All excuses. All reasons you fake in your head to validate why you don’t have the mental fortitude. You make yourself feel better by validating your weakness to the world. You curl back up into your little tiny safe fetal position and continue to go along your victim puke little life without making waves because of your excuses. See how far that gets you. See how much change you make then. All talk – no rock.

What if you can? What if you do? What if you see it? What if you be it? What if you live it? How does your life change? How does your mind change? How do you see the world differently?

Success breeds success. Once you realize you are powerful beyond measure, you continue to push yourself. You get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger. More success leads to more success to more success. Money leads to money. Fitness leads to fitness. It is all a cycle.

The opposite is true. Weakness leads to weakness. Being comfortable leads to being comfortable. Being poor leads to being poor. Being fat leads to being fat.

You are always moving in one direction: Toward your dreams, or away from them.

It’s your choice. Keep doing what you are doing, and you will keep getting the results you have.

Or try. Do. Be. See. Live. CAN.


Can you do it on your first attempt? Or day 1? Or your first try? No – but you can do. Don’t quit, don’t give up, and just do it.


Just be it. Just decide what you want – decide who you want be. Go do that. DO THAT.

It’s that simple. Don’t hesitate. Don’t care what other people think. Don’t pull back in fear. Know that in your heart mind and soul this is what you want. And go do that.

Don’t fill in the gaps in your life with needless bullshit that you think other people want to see in your life. What sets your soul on fire? What do you stay up till 4a with your best friends talking about? What is that thing that turns you on when you hear it?

Go do that. GO DO THAT.

Maybe you can’t do that right now. I get it. I have 2 small boys, car payments, a mortgage, student loans, full-time job, the works. It’s irresponsible to ditch it all and go do “that” full time.

But here I am, 930p on a Friday night, doing that. Doing what sets my soul on fire, which is making you realize you are not weak. You are meant for more. You are the story in your head that you wrote – and YOU can write a new one! You are a human being – you can literally do or see or learn anything with the click of a mouse of the swipe of a finger. And you still want to sit there on your ass and tell me that you can’t?

F*CK your can’t. F*ck your gonna. F*ck your someday. F*ck your excuses. F*ck that 1000 reasons you tell yourself in your head why your life will never be more than it should. I can. You just have to do it.

Do it now.

Life is too short to wait. I know someone who’s father just passed away. His father was 93 years old when he died. Want to know his life advice?

Enjoy life because it is too short.

93 years old. And he said life is short.

You’re next. Sorry to say – death is coming for you. You will not outfight death. It will be here. And probably before you know.

Be ready. When death comes, let it. Know in your heart and soul that you lived. You didn’t waste time watching TV, or fake a life, or try hard to play the victim card, or tell stories in your head that you are doing OK when the story in your heart is a blank page ready to be written.

Don’t waste your time. Don’t wait. Let your soul lead you.

Go do that. Go do that now.

Right now.
