Universal Law: Law of Rhythm

The law of rhythm is one of the universal laws that I have known for some time. The law of rhythm is simple; the world, life, your life, everything has a rhythm, has a flow, has a cycle. That is the law of rhythm.

What Is The Law of Rhythm

The law of rhythm is just what it sounds like: Life has a rhythm. It has a rhyme. It has a flow.

I once had a great mentor of mine tell me “Life comes in waves. Sometimes the wave is high, and you marvel in it’s beauty, only to be smashed by it’s power, only to enjoy the quietness as the next wave loads up”.

That is the law of Rhythm. Life has a rhythm. It has waves. It has flow.

For every high, there is a low. For every low, there is a high. Most people think that the law of attraction is living a life 100% positive 100% of the time. And it is – but in your mind. That is where the locus of control is. Life, external factors, the world, that is the rhythm. That is the ups and downs.

Understand that there is a rhythm to the universe means you can weather the storm. You can ride that wave, get smashed, and go back out knowing there is going to be a high wave. Pain is not permanent. Your situation is not permanent. The bad? It won’t stick around forever. But again – neither will the good.

As the Kybalion puts it:

Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

There is nothing that does not follow this. Think about your health. Where do you think the term Yo-Yo diet came from? It is the ups and downs. Good health, bad health, back to good.

Even the economy follows this pattern. Economy goes high, and is prosperous, then dips and goes low, but will always return at some point to the high.

Why is the law of Rhythm important

law of rhythm

Knowing the law of Rhythm means you can ride the wave. Instead of swimming against the current, fighting the waves, let the wave come and go. Ride it – enjoy it – both the ups and the downs. Cherise the ups, knowing the down is right behind. Embrace the down, knowing the up is soon coming.

This is a hard one for people to grasp sometimes. I know for me especially at certain times of my life, it is hard to see the light in the darkness, the good in the bad, the up when you are down.

One time in particular, was particularly tough. My wife miscarried our first pregnancy ever. I was devastated – beyond anything else that I have been through. 12 weeks along – my wife doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, does not even intake caffeine, and we had the miscarriage. It wrecked me. When I was in that darkness, there was no light. There was only darkness, and plenty of it.

Fast forward 5 years later, I have 2 of the most amazing boys that I could ever imagine calling my sons. If that first pregnancy went to term, I would not be here, with them, in these moments that I am having.

There was an up after that down, but it is so hard to see.

That is why the law of rhythm can be so important. Nothing staysdark forever. No bad will be around for the rest of your life. Whatever you are going there, keep going. There is an up on the other-side. There is light, there is good, there is hope. You just have to believe, and keep pushing forward. That pendulum of life will swing back before you know it.

How To Use The Law of Rhythm

The use of the law of rhythm is more in the mindset that everything will come back up. There are no real tactics like other laws, more of ensuring you have reminders in place when you are down.

That is the hardest part about the law of rhythm – using it when you are down. But if you can instill in yourself this belief that all lows leads to highs, and embrace it, you will realize that the dark spot you are in, won’t last forever.

And keep that in mind on the good as well. Every high has a low. Enjoy the highs. Embrace all the good. Soak up all the light you can, and don’t get too cocky about it – because there is a darkness that will soon develop.

Read the other 12 universal laws to see how you can use the law of rhythm with other laws.