Universal Law: Law of Polarity

The law of polarity is quite simple: There are opposites in all things. The law of polarity basically means everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, but each of those still contain the potentiality of the other. Beautiful, huh?

What is the Law of Polarity

The law of polarity is about opposites. Everything is on a continuum and has an opposite.


Right and left.

Up and Down.

Success and Failure.

Good and bad.

Rich and poor.

Wealth and scarcity.

Disease and Health.

North and south.

East and west.

Boy and girl.

Day and night.

Light and dark.

Yin and Yang.

Moon and sun.

Male and female.

Cold and hot.

Submission and projective.

Active with passive.

Why The Law Of Polarity is Important

law of polaritySo you may be thinking “Great – everything has an opposite. How does this help me?”.

Remember in quite a few of the 12 universal laws we have discussed that your thoughts dictate your life. What goes in, comes out. So the more good you focus on, the more good you will get. The more bad you focus on, the more bad you get.

If you are in a scarcity mindset, things will allude you. If you have a poor mindset, you will never have wealth. If you want wealth, you need to change your mind to wealth – you need to go to the law of polarity and look at the opposite.

Here is a great example in the world we live in today: HATE.

We have SOOOO much hatred thrown at us. In politics, schools, relationships, race, ethnicity, it seems every time you turn on the news it is hate related. Hate leads to resentment, and pain, and suffering, and worst of all – negativity.

If you focus on that – guess what you will see all around you?

If you are noticing hatred all around – guess what you need to do? Look at the opposite.

Find the love.

Turn off the news. Go outside. And intentionally look for love, not hate. Look for love in politics, and in schools, and in relationships, and in race, and in ethnicity. Look for love anywhere and everywhere and you know what you will find? Love. All the time, every time.

Do the same thing for abundance. If you are constantly in a scarcity mindset, and all you see is the things you DON’T have, the lack of money, the lack of “things” the lack of anything – just the lack, all you are going to see in your life is lack.

Look for the opposite. Look for the abundance. If you constantly look for abundance, do you know what you will find? Abundance.

Do it for your health. If you wake up in the morning and notice that you are overweight, none of your clothes fit, your heart is pounding just walking to the bathroom, guess what you will get? More weight, more clothes that don’t fit, and more disease.

But what if you noticed the health? Even in your current state. What if you noticed how you have the HEALTH to walk to the bathroom. What if you noticed that you HAVE clothes that you can wear, and are grateful for that. What if you look at the day as the opportunity to better yourself, and focus on your HEALTH, instead of your disease. Do you know what you will get? Health.

Think about it – if you focus on something, and you don’t focus on the something else, won’t you notice what you focus on and not see what you don’t focus on? So why focus on things you don’t want? Why focus on the lack? Why focus on scarcity? Why focus on the hate? Why focus on the things that put you in a bad mood?

Instead, focus on the opposite – because there is an opposite for all things!

Notice and focus on all the things you want in life. Focus on the prosperity. Focus on the abundance that we have here. Focus on the love. Focus on the things that put a smile on your face and a song in your soul.


How to use the Law of Polarity

Using the law of polarity is very simple: Notice the opposite.

When you find yourself stuck in a rut, or thinking negative thoughts, or sabotaging your mindset somehow, focus on the opposite. Practice this in even small situations. At work and boss yells at you? What is your reaction? POsitive? Probably not. Flip the script. What feelings do you have, now focus on the opposite. Just see how that feels. If you are feeling mad, focus on something that makes you glad. Go outside and feel the grass on your bare feet (one of my favorites!). Go talk to that co worker that always puts a smile on your face. Go do something that is the polar opposite of the feelings you are having and see how that changes thing.

I can guarantee you that if you focus on the opposite of the negative feelings that you are having, there is no physical way you can think of the feelings that are negative. Because you only will feel what you focus, so why not focus on the good!

There it is! The law of polarity in all it’s truth! Be sure to check out the other 12 universal laws and keep reading!