Universal Law: Law of Relativity

The law of relativity is relatively simple in my eyes. The law of relativity shows us that everything is relative. Something that is one thing to you – is different than someone else. You create your perspective, your own reality and relativity. And – because it is your own perspective, you can change it. That is the beauty of the law of relativity.

What is the Law of Relativity

The law of relativity is basic: What you see, and do, and think, who you are, and how you act, and your mindset, it is all relative. It is not big, or small, or bad or good, or warm, or cold, or rich, or poor, or abundant, or negative. It just is. How you relate it to others is how you determine what it is.

One of my favorite quotes is that the world is not happening TO you, it is happening FOR you. Meaning – the way you see and react to the things in your life is how you think about life.

Think your life is going bad? Maybe that is because you are comparing yourself to those that have more than you. Maybe you think you are poor because you only see what rich people have. Maybe you think you have a bad relationship because you see someone else’s wife do something you wish that your wife did. Maybe you think your boss hates you because you see them buddy up with someone else.

Think of it this way. If you live in Fargo, North Dakota – where it consistently can be below 0 degrees in the winter, if you get a winter day that gets to a high of 40 degrees, you are excited for the spring like weather! But if you live in San Diego, 40 degree high means the apocalypse has hit us.

The 40 degrees is the same, so what the different reaction in each city? Relativity. It’s all relative. It is relative to what you know.

Why the Law of Relativity is important

law of relativity

The law of relativity is important because it shows that nothing is, but everything is.

Let me explain.

Because everything is relative, nothing is big or small or warm or cold or fast or slow or good or bad or rich or poor or abundant or scare or anything else for that matter. They way it becomes anything is when you compare it to something. It is that comparison – that relativity – that gives it is something. Once we relate it to something, we give it space.

This means that YOU are the one that can decide if something is big or small or warm or cold or fast or slow or good or bad or rich or poor or abundant or scare or anything else for that matter. How cool is that?

Here are some examples about things being relative.

You have a dog. Your dog is smaller than your brother’s dog, but bigger than your sister’s dog. Is your dog small or big?

You make $24,000 a year. Your brother makes $36,000 a year, but your sister makes $18,000 a year. Are your poor or wealthy?

Let’s take that one one level deeper.

You make $24,000 a year. You talk to someone who makes $80,000, you may feel like your life could change so much if you had that, and you could leave the poverty stricken life you currently have and prosper. You talk to someone else who makes $14 a week (A WEEK!). That is $728 a year. You talk to them, they look at your $24,000 and feel like their life could change so much if they had that, and they could leave the pverty striken life they currently have and prosper. To them – you are wealthy.

It is all relative. It is all perspective. And it is all in your mind!

I have a live working example of this in my own life – which is why I am so passionate about this stuff.

When I was 24, I was making $22,500 a year. I knew I needed more, but was doing OK. I was doing OK because my relativity was those around me. At that time, $22,500 was doing better than most people around me (late college students). But when I turned 25, I switched jobs and started working with people making $85k, $100k, $200k, in a sales role. My perspective change – my relativity changed, and $22,500 was NOT that much. So I change my relativity, applied other laws in was quickly increasing my earnings hand over fist as my relativity changed. A few years later, I was a consistent 6-figure earning in my sales role.

I recently had a friend switch into the real estate world. During a conversation, he told me “If I could just make $70,000 – I would be set!”. I told him in sales – he could do $170k! He said he didn’t need that – just $70,000. Which is fine – but he is basing that of his relative experience. Where he is at NOW – that is great money. But if he wants it – he could do more. It is all relative. It is all based on your perspective. It is all how you compare whatever you are looking at to the world.

And because YOU are the one creating the comparison, YOU have the power to change your comparison and switch up your thinking for better and more prosperous relativity!

How to use the Law of Relativity

Here are 5 ways you can use the law of relativity to your advantage throughout your life:

  1. Notice how you relate things. The first thing to start changing your thinking is to start notice your thinking. Start looking at everything you see, do, consume, read, believe, and ask yourself how you related it. Remember – it is only what it is by how you compare it. If you ate a piece of dog poop, even the worst food will taste good. Ask yourself what you are comparing it to and start noticing your relativity anchors.
  2. Relate it different. Once you notice the relation you created, relate it different. If you say “that is a big dog”, ask yourself why do you think it is big, then make it small. If you compared the dog to the Chihuahua you know, compare it to a great dane. If you start thinking that a situation is negative, relate it differently to be positive.
  3. Don’t be afraid to think big. Create some crazy comparisons and see how that changes your thought. Think the weather is too hot? At least you are not on the sun! Did the weather feel a bit cooler? Think that $24,000 is not enough money? At least it isn’t $728! Does your finances feel a bit better?
  4. Relativity for gratefulness. Being grateful is one of the most powerful experiences in the world, but when you are in a dark place, it is very hard to be grateful. But remember, your “hard place” is created by your own mind by comparing it to something that is probably good. When practicing gratitude, use the law of relativity. If you are trying ot lose weight, be grateful for the weight you are at, because relativity, you don’t have 100 more lbs to lose! The ultimate gratitude? You are alive. What is relative to that? NOT being alive. Put that into perspective for a minute.
  5. Remove labels. One of the reasons we have our relative mindset that we do is we put labels on everything. We are overweight, underpaid, overworked, under educated, and a million other labels. Remove labels in your life. Remember – nothing is until it is. Make it what you want.

There you have it! The law of relativity in all of it’s glory! Be sure to read all the 12 laws of the universe and put them in practice for a better life!