The law of compensation is what everyone is after; what will I get? How much will I get? How fast can I get it? Although The law of compensation does cover these questions, focusing on only this aspect will leave you very short in the compensation department.

What is the Law of Compensation?

law of compensationThe law of compensation basically states that you will be compensated for your actions. Similar to the law of cause and effect, what you do, affects what you get. What you sow, so shall you reap.

But this isn’t about money. That is where most people get the wrong idea about this law. Sure – compensation will come in the form of money sometimes, but this is EVERYTHING in your life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said in his essay title “compensation”, each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. More precisely, he says

The whole of what we know, is a system of compensations. Ever defect in one manner is made up in another. Every suffering is rewarded; every sacrifice is made up. Every debt is paid.

He wrote this in 1852! A great essay if you ever look to see how far the power of the universal laws goes.

Why the Law of Compensation is important?

The law of compensation is important because you get in return, what you give.

Efforts. Contributions. Love. Joy. Hate. Resentment. Whatever you give, you get. You will get compensated for something – whether positive or negative is up to you.

Money doesn’t matter here – in fact, money is probably the worst thing to try to get compensated on. Although it does work, this law of compensation is more along the lines of feelings, thoughts, ideas, etc.

Spread more love, and more love will be returned to you.

Spread more happiness, and happiness will be returned to you.

Spread more hate, and more hate will be returned to you.

Spread more resentment in your marriage, and more resentment in your marriage will be returned to you.

Spread more wealth, and more wealth will be returned to you.

That is what the law of compensation is all about. Like the law of cause and effect and the law of attraction (most every law of the universe in fact), whatever you sow, so shall you reap.

This is important because if you are getting compensated for something in your life, it is what you are throwing out. Every single time.

Every. Single. Time.

Think your boss is giving you a hard time at work? I’d bet you are giving others a hard time.

Think your wife resents your marriage? I’d bet you resent her as well.

Think that money is hard to come by and you need to hold onto it? I’d bet you never get money.

Think that your job is wonderful and fulfilling? Think that your marriage is one of the best strongholds you have? Think that money is abundant and ever-flowing? Guess what you will get?

law of compensation

How to use the Law of Compensation

To use the law of compensation to your advantage, you have to do mostly what you do with other universal laws – watch your thoughts.

  1. Think about what you are currently being compensated for. Look at all aspects of your life. What are you getting?
  2. Think about what you are contributing to. Part of the law is you get compensated for what you contribute. Look at the effort, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and other items you are putting out there.
  3. GIVE. Without thinking of being compensated. And again – this isn’t about money. Give more love, hope, kindness, thoughtfulness, happiness, all the good feelings and vibrations – give without anything being returned. Watch it be returned.

There you have it. The law of compensation – one of the 12 universal laws. Use it – and watch your life soar!