Category Archives: Law of Attraction

Universal Law: Law of Polarity

The law of polarity is quite simple: There are opposites in all things. The law of polarity basically means everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, but each of those still contain the potentiality of the other. Beautiful, huh? What is the Law of Polarity The law of polarity is about opposites. Everything […]

Universal Law: Law of Relativity

The law of relativity is relatively simple in my eyes. The law of relativity shows us that everything is relative. Something that is one thing to you – is different than someone else. You create your perspective, your own reality and relativity. And – because it is your own perspective, you can change it. That […]

Universal Law: Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Ah – the law of perpetual transmutation of energy – the longest, most scientific law of the universe. The law of perpetual transmutation of energy goes back to what we looked in grade school about energy, and how it is all around us. Use this law with the law of vibration for maximum results. What […]

Universal Law: Law of Compensation

The law of compensation is what everyone is after; what will I get? How much will I get? How fast can I get it? Although The law of compensation does cover these questions, focusing on only this aspect will leave you very short in the compensation department. What is the Law of Compensation? The law […]

Universal Law: Law of Action

Ah, the law of action. One of the laws of the universe that most people forget about or intentionally leave out when talking about the law of attraction, manifestation, and whatever other secret that pertains to this. Want to know the real secret to the law of attraction? It is the law of action. What […]