Universal Law: Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence is one of those laws I always knew to be true, even before I knew it was a universal law, way before anything related to The Secret. To me – it just makes sense.

What Is The Law of Correspondence

law of correspondence

Most definitions that you read will say something to the effect of “As within, so without” or “As above, so below”. This is how I define the Law of Correspondence:

You are, who you are.

Simple. Yet effect.

The world that is external, is influenced by your thoughts internally. Whatever is inside of you, will show up on the outside of you. Everything around you is a mirror of what is going on internally – they correspond with each other.

Basically – you can’t dream of $1,000,000 if inside you are complaining about barely getting by with $45,000. You can’t be healthy if you are unhealthy. You can’t be happy if you are grumpy. And this flows into every area of your life.

I always tell people this story as I go along with this law:

At the office I work at, there is a lower office that has a fairly nice path around the building to walk on. A few times a day, I leave our building, walk down there and take a few laps to clear my head. One day, I see this lady leave one of the office buildings.

She was rather overweight. Extremely – in fact. She just had a pissy look to her face, wasn’t smiling, wasn’t looking around, just made a straight attempt at her car.

Or – what I thought was her car. A badly beaten small car. Dents, cracked windshield, no hubcaps, no rear bumper, and a passenger side window that was not there – just taped up closed with fading duct tape.

She climbs in the car, starts the engine, throws it into reverse, and literally guns it out of the parking spot. Throws it into drive, and again pedal to metal speeds through the parking lot, barely stopping to pull out on the street where she cuts off another drive, who honks at her, and she honks back and waves a middle finger, then speeds off.

Why The Law of Correspondence Is Important

The law of correspondence tells me a lot about this lady. Why? She is who she is. Her car, health, attitude, all align with each other, and not in a high vibes sort

of way. If I was a betting man, I would think her finances, relationships, and her work attitude all fall within the same alignment as the 2 minutes of her life I witness.

Could she have just been fired and been mad? Maybe. Could she not have money to fix her car? Maybe. Could I have caught her on a bad day? Maybe. But I think it unlikely. I have seen it far too many times, not just with this woman – she is just an extreme case.

I have yet to meet someone with a relationship that was on fire, but shitty finances. Or someone who is extremely healthy, but poor friendships. Someone who loved their job, but hated being a father.

You are who you are.

People are aligned. Their outside world corresponds with what is going on in the inside. Everyone I have met falls in this category. Most have OK relationships, with OK jobs, with OK finances, and live an OK life. Some are a little better. Some are way worse. But every aspect of their life falls along the same tangent.

You cannot get money if you think you are poor. You cannot become healthy if you think you are sick. You cannot have a good marriage if you think you are a poor husband. You cannot love your job if you hate your job.

Your beliefs, the way you think, the thoughts that go on in your head, manifest themselves in the outside world. If you are negative nancy at your job, there is a very good chance that the dissatisfaction you have there bleeds into your relationship with your wife. Or if you get stressed out because you don’t have any money, that bleeds into how you are a father.

Once you start changing your beliefs, thoughts, and other items that go on in the inside, your outside world has no other option but to change for the better.

How To Use The Law of Correspondence

There are few ways you can start flipping the script on your life and thinking and start making positive changes in your life. They most start from the inside, but once you start watching the inside, the outside will very quickly follow.

  1. Inventory Yourself. Take a good hard look at you – your life – and everything else around you. What are your thoughts about your job, your wife, your kids, your boss, your money, your friends, and everything else? Figure out where the negativity is, and flip the script.
  2. Flip the script. Changes the thought that goes into the negative feelings to positive, higher vibration thoughts. If this is tough, find ways to flip the script. If you are overcritical of something, give more praise. If you got hurt, give more love. If you are discouraged, give encouragement. There is an opposite to everything – find that.
  3. Take full responsibility for your life. This is a guiding principle in my life. Everything in life is your fault. It is your fault the way your interpreted the event(s) is due to the thoughts in your head. Because they are in your head, you have control of them and therefore it is your fault. And since it is your fault – YOU need to change it. Start taking control over areas of your life and start seeing some change.
  4. Visualize the desired outcome. To be happy, you have to be happy. So take time every single day and visualize yourself being happy. Or healthy. Or wealthy. Or having crazy sex with your wife. Or being the dad that other moms woo over. Whatever it is – place it in your mind, and watch your body follow.
  5. Watch your thoughts. Check-in with yourself a few times a day and see what you are thinking. Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it moving you closer or farther to where you want to go? Adjust accordingly.

There you have it! The overview and habits of the law of correspondence. Learn it, understand it, live it, and what your life soar!