Your False Sense Of Doing Something

Fake people suck the living life right out of me. I truly don’t understand why people fake who they are, what they do, and getting something done. Most would rather talk and take passive action rather than actually making a difference in the world. I really don’t understand this way of thinking.

Social media is full of fake people. People who take pictures of their running shoes, yet huff and puff up the stairs. People who are on a specific diet and post pictures of that diet, yet mack down everything NOT on their diet. People who would rather build business cards that a business.

And the worst culprits of those thing they are making a change by posting on facebook.

Changing-Facebook-Profile-Pictures-for-a-Cause The Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014 was an example of this. I did the challenge, and donated $250 dollars to the cause. Some donated, most just enjoyed the likes they got by posting a video of them dumping water on their head.

Most common is the changing of a profile picture to support a cause, like the equal sign to support equality in the topic of gay marriage. Changing your profile is a great what to push your own opinion and agendas onto social media without actually taking a stand. This slacktivism allows people to feel good about their cause without actually doing anything or getting involved.

Slacktivism can be defined as the act of showing support for a cause but only truly being beneficial to the egos of people participating in this so-called activism. The acts tend to require minimal personal effort from the slacktivist.

Changing your profile picture does NOTHING.

Nothing. Not one thing.

I am not trying to underestimate the causes of which you are attempting to support, believe me they strike me at my inner most core as well. But changing your profile picture is nothing more that you patting yourself on the back saying “ah – now I can sleep OK tonight”.

DO SOMETHING. Take action. If you don’t like what you are seeing, change it. Be that change in the world you want to see and changing your profile picture won’t do it. Sure – you can call it “raising awareness” but how about raising money instead? Start a fundraising campaign for the cause, go out and join a group that supports your cause, dedicate your time, donate to an organization, make the family you are “support” dinner or even write them a card showing that you are support something, dedicate yourself to helping fight the cause but for the love of god GO DO SOMETHING.

Changing your profile picture, dumping water on your head, doing these fake and false actions only make you feel better about yourself and the “cause” that you are after. It makes you feel better about your own like doing something instead of actually doing something.

You change your profile picture now, but as soon as your kid does something cute, that cause goes right out the window and in a few months, it is just passing thought. And that pisses me off.

If you really support a cause, you do whatever in your power to support it. You take massive action as much as you can to get it done. Not everyone can donate a billion dollars or go out and cure cancer or go fly our to Washington DC and picket for their cause. But you can do something. YOu can don’t time, which is free of any money requirement and gives something more important than money – YOU. There is plenty of things you can actually DO to get something accomplished, but changing your profile picture isn’t one of them.

FIGHT Cancer

FightMensTeeI hate cancer and I am bound and determined to do what I can at this point in my life to ensure that my child never has to endure this. I will FIGHT to ensure no kids, no mothers and no grandparents will go through the pain and suffering that cancer brings. I am not changing my facebook profile, I am doing something. Every FIGHT tee that is purchase, every single cent of the profit goes back into finding a cure for this damn disease. 2014 was to the tune of almost $50. Is that a lot? No – I want more. Is it something? Yes. Did I do more than you on your facebook profile change? YES.

Fight for your cause. Leave the facebook profiles alone. DO SOMETHING.